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Complementary Alternative Medicine

Use of herbal therapies among midlife Mexican women.

 The cultural traditions of Mexican women living in the United States make it likely that some women promote their health and manage their symptoms using various herbal therapies, yet we know little about this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare midlife Mexican women living in the U.S. who were or were not using herbal therapies with regard to the extent of their acculturation, beliefs about herbs, and factors associated with their utilization of health services.

Cultural Beliefs and Attitudes: Complementary and Alternative Practices and Products Use by African American Prostate Cancer Survivors

Purpose and Methodology: This study examined the cultural beliefs and attitudes of African American prostate cancer survivors regarding the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities. The study used mixed methods with primary emphasis on a phenomenology approach. In-person interviews in participants' homes and rural community facilities. Fourteen African American men diagnosed with and treated for prostate cancer were interviewed in their homes and rural community facilities

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