This site is an archive of a closed Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program, provided for educational and historical purposes. Please note that this content is not routinely updated and that contact information and social links may not work.


Leg Strength and Gait Speed Predict Enrollment in an Exercise Study among Stroke Survivors with Mild-Moderate Disability

Background: Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and is the major contributor to physical and cognitive disability among this population. Exercise is an important aspect of stroke rehabilitation to reduce disability.

Objective: To determine if functional disability, physical function, cognitive impairment, age or gender are predictive of enrollment in an exercise study among stroke survivors with mild-moderate disability.

Strategies to Improve Recruitment and Retention of Older Stroke Survivors to a Randomized Clinical Exercise Trial

BACKGROUND: Relatively few exercise randomized clinical trials (RCTs) among stroke survivors have reported the effectiveness of recruitment and retention strategies, despite its central importance to study integrity.

OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to examine recruitment and retention strategies used among a group of older community-dwelling stroke survivors for an exercise RCT.

Perceptions and performance of function and physical activity in assisted living communities.

 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe residents' self-efficacy and outcome expectations with regard to function and physical activity (PA); to measure functional performance and time in PA; to evaluate the fit between the resident and the environment; and to evaluate knowledge, beliefs, and care behaviors of nursing assistants (NAs) in 4 different assisted living (AL) communities.

Validation of the Stanford Brief Activity Survey: examining psychological factors and physical activity levels in older adults.

BACKGROUND: This study examined the construct validity and reliability of the new 2-item Stanford Brief Activity Survey (SBAS).

Pilot testing of the PRAISEDD intervention among African American and low-income older adults.

BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is particularly high among African American (AA) older adults, and these individuals are least likely to have access to CVD prevention activities.

Healthy Eating and Exercising to Reduce Diabetes: Exploring the Potential of Social Determinants of Health Frameworks Within the Context of Community-Based Participatory Diabetes Prevention

 Objectives. We examined a community-based participatory diabetes intervention to identify facilitators of and barriers to sustained community efforts to address social factors that contribute to health.
Methods. We conducted a case study description and analysis of the Healthy Eating and Exercising to Reduce Diabetes project in the theoretical context of a conceptual model of social determinants of health.

Goal setting in diabetes self-management: taking the baby steps to success.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of a diabetes self-management guide and a brief counseling intervention in helping patients set and achieve their behavioral goals.

Exercise prescription for chronic back or neck pain: who prescribes it? who gets it? What is prescribed?

  OBJECTIVE: To describe exercise prescription in routine clinical practice for individuals with chronic back or neck pain because, although current practice guidelines promote exercise for chronic back and neck pain, little is known about exercise prescription in routine care.

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