This site is an archive of a closed Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program, provided for educational and historical purposes. Please note that this content is not routinely updated and that contact information and social links may not work.


Evaluation of the “Respect Not Risk” Firearm Safety Lesson for 3rd-Graders

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the MORE HEALTH “Respect Not Risk” Firearm Safety Lesson for 3rd-graders in Pinellas County, Florida. Six schools representative of various socioeconomic levels were selected as the test sites. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. A total of 433 matched pretests/posttests were used to determine the effectiveness of the class in increasing student knowledge about firearm safety. The results revealed a significant increase in the mean scores on the posttest compared with the pretest.

Children's bicycle helmet use and injuries in Hillsborough County, Florida before and after helmet legislation.

 The purpose of this research was to explore the changes in children's bicycle helmet use and motor vehicle bicycle related injuries in Hillsborough County, Florida before and after passage of the Florida's bicycle helmet law for children under the age of 16. The results show a significant increase in bicycle helmet use among children, ages 5-13, in the post-law years compared with the pre-law years. Also, there has been a significant decline in the rates of bicycle related motor vehicle injuries among children in the post-law years compared with the pre-law years.

The Association of Personality and the Likelihood of Serious Unintentional Injury During Childhood

In this study a survival analysis was conducted to examine whether childhood personality was associated with the likelihood and the timing of an unintentional injury requiring hospitalization or medical attention before the age of 13. Maternal ratings of childhood personality (at 5 or 6 years of age) were used to derive resiliency, undercontrol, and overcontrol prototypical profile scores for a diverse sample of 1,013 child participants from the child sample of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

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