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Living ethics: contributing to knowledge building through qualitative inquiry.

  In this column, the authors discuss ethical and scientific standards in research and publication in light of their worldviews; human science; human becoming; and Parse's conceptual, ethical, methodological, and interpretive dimensions of the research process.

Clinical Utility of the Stanford Brief Activity Survey in Men and Women with Early-Onset Coronary Artery Disease

The purpose of this study was to determine the utility of the Stanford Brief Activity Survey (SBAS) as a quick screening tool in a clinical population, where no other measure of physical activity was available. The SBAS was administered to 500 younger cases in the Atherosclerotic Disease Vascular Function and Genetic Epidemiology (ADVANCE) study, a case-control genetic association study, between December 2001 and January 2004. Younger cases in the ADVANCE study included men (<46 years old) and women (<56 years old) diagnosed with early-onset coronary artery disease.

Negotiating Three Worlds: Academia, Nursing Science, and Tribal Communities

The purpose of this article is to use a cross-cultural model to guide the exploration of common issues and the dynamic interrelationships surrounding entrée to tribal communities as experienced by four nursing research teams. In the article, the members of four research teams discuss the primary lessons learned about successful strategies and challenges encountered during their projects' early stages.

Balancing the needs of the scientist and subject in trauma focused research

This study explains how all participants in research are vulnerable to some extent. Survivors of trauma are often sought as participants for research studies and may be at an increased risk of emotional or psychological distress as a result of research participation. Scientists need to pay careful attention to issues of informed consent and the potential harm and benefits from research participation. This article explores challenges of selecting a sample, informed consent, and study continuation when conducting research with survivors of trauma. 

Theories of Fatigue: Application in HIV/AIDS

A number of theoretical fatigue frameworks have been developed by nurse scientists with the intention of guiding research, practice, and education in fatigue. However, there is a significant gap between theory development and research utilization of fatigue frameworks in clinical and intervention trials.

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