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Part B: The Feasibility and Acceptability of mI SMART: A Nurse-Led Technology Intervention for Multiple Chronic Conditions in Primary Care

Background: An opportunity to improve care of multiple chronic conditions for those living in rural areas of the country may exist through the use of technology. Integrating technology interventions into existing rural health systems allows for increased access to healthcare services and augments self-management ability for patients. However, questions remain about acceptability and feasibility of technology use in rural populations.

Part A: The Development of mI SMART: A Nurse-Led Technology Intervention for Multiple Chronic Conditions in Primary Care

Background: The treatment of Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) is complex for both patients and providers. Used as integrated tools, technology may decrease complexity, remove the barrier of distance to obtain care, and improve outcomes of care. A new platform that integrates multiple technologies for primary health care called mI SMART (Mobile Improvement of Self-Management Ability through Rural Technology) has been developed. The purpose of this paper is to present to development of mI SMART, a nurse-led technology intervention for treating for MCC in primary care.

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