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Diversity Dynamics: The Experience of Male Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars: Issues and Strategies to Create Positive Organizations

Background: Managing diversity dynamics in academic or clinical settings for men in nursing has unique challenges resulting from their minority status within the profession.

Purpose: Share challenges and lessons learned identified by male scholars in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Nurse Faculty Scholars program and suggest strategies for creating positive organizations promoting inclusive excellence.

Methods: Multiple strategies including informal mentored discussions and peer-to-peer dialogue throughout the program as well as formal online surveys of scholars and National Advisory Committee members, and review of scholar progress reports were analyzed as part of the comprehensive evaluation plan of the program

Discussion: Diversity dynamic issues include concerns with negative stereotyping, microaggression, gender intelligence, and differences in communication and leadership styles.

Conclusions: Male Nurse Faculty Scholars report experiencing both opportunities and challenges residing in a predominately female-peopled profession. This article attempts to raise awareness and suggest strategies to manage diversity dynamics in service of promoting the development of a culture of health that values diversity and inclusive excellence for both men and women in academic, research and practice contexts.