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National and Local Perspectives on Radon Resistant New Construction Policies

The primary study aims were to conduct a national inventory of radon resistant new construction (RRNC) policies, test the association between geographic risk and policy adoption, and survey local building industry members to learn their perspectives on RRNC policy. Comparison and contrast of existing policies revealed a heterogeneous approach to RRNC. An odds ratio analysis was conducted to test if RRNC adoption was associated with high EPA zone designation. States with more radon risk were five times more likely to have implemented RRNC (χ2 = 2.34, OR = 5.00, 95% CI 1.2 - 19.3, p < .05). Local industry members reported 100% of projects included radon system installation at least occasionally despite the lack of RRNC policy in Montana. Given the heterogeneous nature of RRNC policies, the authors recommend including building industry members’ perspectives as partners in drafting future policy.