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Recruitment of African American Women to a Walking Program: Eligibility, Ineligibility, and Attrition During Screening

 The purposes of this study were to identify strategies successful in the recruitment of African American (AA) women to a home-based walking program and to examine factors that contribute to attrition, eligibility, and ineligibility during the recruitment screening protocol. Of the 696 women who contacted the researchers, 281 (40.4%) women enrolled in the study, 227 (32.6%) were lost to attrition, and 188 (27%) were ineligible. Those not enrolled due to attrition during screening or ineligibility reported more family risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and lived in neighborhoods with higher poverty. Although our recruitment strategies may have been successful in attracting low-income AA women, we were not as successful in preventing their attrition during the screening protocol, particularly for those living in poorer neighborhoods.