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RWJF NFS Meet at the American Academy of Nursing 2009 Annual Meeting
Front row, left to right: Jacquelyn Campbell, National Program Director, Marin Coffman, 2009 Scholar from UNC Charlotte, and RWJF NFS Mentor Lucy Marion of Medical College of Georgia
Back Row, left to right: MaryJoan Ladden, Sr. Program Officer,Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Ying Xue, 2008 Scholar,University of Rochester; Angela McBride, Chair, RWJF Nurse Faculty Scholars National Advisory Committee; Diane Von Ah, 2008 Scholar, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis; Cindy Anderson, 2008 Scholar from University of North Dakota; Jennifer Doering, 2008 Scholar, University of Wisconcin - Milwaukee, Tami Thomas, 2009 Scholar, Medical College of Georgia.