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Alexa Doig, Ph.D., R.N.

  • Alexa Doig, Nurse Faculty Scholar 2011 Cohort

Alexa Doig, Ph.D., R.N. is nriquez Endowed Chair and Director of the New Mexico State University School of Nursing in Las Cruces. Her program of research is centered on studying aspects of nurse cognition that affect patient safety and the development of patient monitoring technologies using a human factors approach to support the cognitive work of nurses. Dr. Doig graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Canada with a baccalaureate degree in Mechanical Engineering. She then earned her BSN, MS and PhD degrees from the University of Utah. She collaborated on several NIH-funded studies prior to being awarded a research grant by the National Patient Safety Foundation to study nurse vigilance and decision making during patient monitoring. Her focus in the RWJF NFS program will be to develop and evaluate a simulation-based training intervention to reduce the negative consequences of nursing work interruptions. Dr. Doig has been teaching courses in anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology for over ten years and in 2008 won the University of Utah Early Career Teaching Award.