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Ashley Darcy-Mahoney, Ph.D., R.N., N.N.P.-B.C., F.A.A.N. is an assistant professor at the George Washington University School of Nursing. Her area of interest is in neonatology, developmental pediatrics and brain injury. She has dedicated her career to infant health, specifically high-risk infants' developmental outcomes. Her research seeks to improve early-childhood outcomes for these infants, most recently through language interventions. Dr. Darcy-Mahoney received her B.S.N. from Georgetown University with a certificate in International Health. She received her Neonatal Nurse Practitioner M.S.N. and her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Her current work at Emory University School of Nursing includes spearheading a collaborative effort funded by the United Way of Greater Atlanta called Talk With Me Baby. The campaign targets parents and nurses to prevent language delays, especially among at-risk children, by coaching parents to talk more to their infants. Dr. Darcy-Mahoney will develop and implement a curriculum within Emory’s School of Nursing to train nurses about the importance of social interaction with babies in and outside of the womb. She currently serves on the board of the Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, chairing the research committee. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Darcy-Mahoney continues to practice as a neonatal nurse practitioner.