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Jason Farley, Ph.D., M.P.H., C.R.N.P., F.A.A.N.

Dr. Farley is an Associate Professor within Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and a nurse practitioner since 2003 in the Division of Infectious Diseases within The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine AIDS Service. His research program focuses on HIV and the epidemiology, prevention and management of associated drug resistant co-infections such as Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. He has developed a randomized controlled trial to evaluate individual versus household/sexual partner decolonization for MRSA among persons with HIV with an aim of evaluating the individualistic versus family centered models of care.

Dr. Farley was recently named one of the co-directors of the Clinical Core within The Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research. He is a co-chair of the Global Health Committee of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and was recently selected by the membership to serve as a Director at Large within the Board of Directors of the organization. He has received funding from the National Institutes of Nursing Research at NIH, the South African Medical Research Council and the Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Scholars (KL2) Program.