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Jennifer Wenzel is an Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and manages the Center for Collaborative Intervention Research, a P30 Center funded through the National Institute of Nursing Research. Dr. Wenzel’s experience teaching nursing students ranges from teaching Medical-Surgical to Psychiatric/Mental Health nursing, skills lab and Foundations of Nursing to teaching Research and Theory to graduate students. She currently teaches in the Graduate Program.
Jennifer’s research program is focused on assisting patients and families throughout the cancer diagnosis and treatment trajectory to negotiate the health care system related to care- and system- level concerns. Her research goals include improving existing health processes and resources available to cancer patients and families as well as identifying and intervening on behalf of individuals at risk for poorer outcomes due to existing health disparities.
Dr. Wenzel currently serves on the Southern Nursing Society Board of Directors and is Director of Research Interest Groups for the organization. She has served on the Multi-site Research Advisory Panel and is currently serving on the Diversity Advisory Panel for the Oncology Nursing Society.