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Dr. Tami Thomas is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Florida International University in Miami, FL. A Board Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, she is a lifelong advocate of underserved children and their families. She completed her Ph.D. in Nursing Science with a minor in epidemiology at the University of Florida in 2006. Her student health practice ignited her passion for research, and in 2007 she received the Florida International University Student Health Services Academic Partner of the Year Award and in 2010 the Excellence in Research Award by Sigma Theta Tau. Her research in the areas of population specific risk factors for sexually transmitted infections and the New Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been funded since 2007. Her work continues to inform current advanced nursing practice and primary care for adolescents and school age children. Dr. Thomas research currently focuses on interventions to disseminate health care innovations, like the HPV vaccine, to adolescent and pediatric populations experiencing health disparities in rural areas.