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Taura Barr, Ph.D., R.N.

Dr. Taura Barr is an Assistant Professor in the West Virginia University School of Nursing and Emergency Medicine. She holds faculty appointments in the WVU Prevention Research Center and Center for Neuroscience as well as a Volunteer Scientist appointment within the intramural program of the National Institute of Nursing Research. Her training has spanned from basic preclinical models of neurological disease mechanism, to qualitative research methods to understand the human response to disease and the application of genetics and genomics in clinical research. She is experienced in developing and conducting innovative clinical translational research studies that not only aim to understand the human response to brain injury, but change the way we study this devastating and common disease. In addition to significant contributions she is making in teaching and service, her program of research is centered on the use of genomic methodologies to identify biomarkers of cardiovascular disease, understand their relationship with post-stroke inflammation and immunity, and define the contributing environmental factors related to health disparity in underserved populations. She has recently been appointed to two terms on the American Heart Association’s Cardiovascular Stroke Nursing Committee.