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Teresa J. Sakraida, acquired her B.S.N. from Goshen College in Indiana where the culture for service was pervasive. She earned a M.S.N. in Community Health Nursing from Indiana Wesleyan University in Indiana and a M.S.N. in Education from Indiana University. She obtained a Ph.D. in 2002 from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
While at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing she received the Provost's Diversity fellow recognition and the Nursing's Excellence in Planning and Technology and the University Network Environment award. Dr. Sakraida is currently an Associate Professor at Florida Atlantic University, College of Nursing with educational expertise in public health and health promotion. In 2007, Dr. Sakraida was honored with the Chancellor's Teaching Recognition award. In 2009, Dr. Sakraida was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Review Committee of the General Clinical Research Center. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International, the Western Institute of Nursing, the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, and the American Nephrology Nursing Association.
Dr. Sakraida's research program explores transitions in disease burden and altered self-management by patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. She received a Sigma Theta Tau International Small Grant in 2006 and other local grants that have provided the foundation for her current study that tests the effectiveness and feasibility of a tailored intervention to support self-management. Her most recent publications are in the Western Journal of Nursing Research, Applied Nursing Research, and Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.