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Dr. Landers is an Associate Professor in the College of Nursing at The Ohio State University. He received a BSN from Binghamton University, a MA in Theology from LaSalle University, an MSN from Pace University, and a PhD in Public Health from The Ohio State University. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Antibiotic Resistance (CIRAR) at Columbia University School of Nursing. While working as a nurse practitioner, Dr. Landers identified a cluster of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in community-dwelling homeless individuals that lead to work on risk factors for MRSA colonization. His research focuses on the epidemiology and prevention of antibiotic-resistant infections. He is interested in the epidemiology of MRSA, dissemination of resistant organisms in different settings, and prevention of infections. This work has led to the development of interventions to reduce transmission through the application of hand hygiene to inpatients, improving oral care in hospitalized individuals, and exploring the role that interactions with companion animals might play in transmitting resistant organisms. To fully understand the dynamics of transmission, Dr. Landers collaborates with colleagues from a range of disciplines including medicine, veterinary science, microbiology, and allied medicine.