This site is an archive of a closed Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program, provided for educational and historical purposes. Please note that this content is not routinely updated and that contact information and social links may not work.

Application Process

 View FAQs on the following subjects:

Application Process FAQs:

  1. Do I need to upload my letter of nomination from the Dean before I can complete the online application?
  2. Can one apply from outside of the United States?
  3. Can an applicant fax or email the proposal?
  4. Where should an applicant send FedEx or overnight deliveries?
  5. Who do we contact with questions about the program or the Online Application and Review System?
  6. What criteria will be used to evaluate the proposals?
  7. How does the selection process work?
  8. How can I check the status of my proposal once it is submitted?
  9. Do I need to submit a budget?
  10. How will I know if my proposal has been successfully submitted?
  11. What is the page limit for the proposal narrative?
  12. May I include scientific and/or published references to support statements in my proposal narrative? If I list the references at the end of the narrative, does the 9-page limit still apply, or can the reference list be outside the 9-page limit?
  13. What is the time period (start/end dates and duration) for these grants?
  14. How many scholars will be chosen?
  15. Will I receive specific comments on my application after a decision is made?
  16. One of the selection criteria listed on the website is "Evidence of the candidate's commitment to racial, ethnic, gender and cultural diversity in nursing." How can I demonstrate this commitment in my application?
  17. Should I include letters of support for my research proposal?
  18. Who should write my letter of recommendation?
  19. I would like to include tables in my proposal narrative. What format and font should I use for tables and graphs? Can I attach these as an appendix?
  20. Under the Key Contacts Section of the Online Application and Review System, I see that the name of a project director is requested. Who is that person?
  21. I would like to include copies of the data collection instruments in my research proposal. Can I include these in an appendix?
  22. May I submit two additional letters of recommendation?
  23. Should letters of recommendation be on my institution's letterhead?
  24. In what part of the application should I describe personal development activities that I intend to pursue as a Nurse Faculty Scholar?
  25. On the Online Application and Review System, it states that "Finalists may be asked to submit a hardcopy version of their letters of support." Are these letters the original signed copy from my mentors?
  26. May a Professor Emeritus serve as a nursing or research mentor? May an adjunct professor serve as a nursing or research mentor?
  27. My mentor's official NIH biosketch does not follow the NFS biographical sketch format guidelines for margin and font size. May I still use this document in lieu of submitting a biographical sketch using guidelines on the proposal narrative?
  28. When will these grants be awarded? When will we be notified if we have been awarded a grant?
  29. What is the application deadline and late submission policy?
  30. I understand that a budget is not required for submission of my application. However, I want to understand more about how I should plan to allocate my grant over the three years of the project.
  31. My institution is not a research intensive university and I have limited resources available for feedback on my research proposal. Where can I look for assistance?
  32. Should I include in text references in my proposal narrative?
  33. Is it customary for applicants to include information about consultants, advisory teams in addition to the primary and research mentors?
  34. I understand that "selected" publications means selecting from several. If we have a small cadre of publications that includes books and non-refereed publications, can we list them here, or do you want only refereed publications on the bio-sketch?


  1. Do I need to upload my letter of nomination from the Dean before I can complete the online application?
    You may begin preparing your application narrative before uploading your dean's letter.  The Dean's letter of nomination must be uploaded prior to submitting the completed application.
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  2. Can one apply from outside of the United States?
    To be eligible, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident in a junior faculty position at an accredited school of nursing in the United States.
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  3. Can an applicant fax or email the proposal?
    NO FAXES OR EMAILS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Proposals must be submitted online through the RWJF Application Online and Review System,
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  4. Where should an applicant send FedEx or overnight deliveries?
    This grant competition will not accept any materials in hard copy. Applicants must submit letters of support as part of the proposal submission process using the Online Application and Review System.
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  5. Who do we contact with questions about the program or the Online Application and Review System?
    Interested individuals may send questions about the program, selection criteria or application requirements to Please include your name and telephone number in the inquiry.
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  6. What criteria will be used to evaluate the proposals?
    The following factors are considered in the selection process as stated in the Call for Proposals:
    • Evidence of the potential for and strong commitment to a career as an academic nurse leader.
    • Evidence that the nominating institution and its senior leadership are committed to supporting the candidate's academic career and activities both during and after the program.
    • Evidence of the availability and commitment of qualified mentors and academic resources, including space as appropriate, at the candidate's institution.
    • Evidence of the potential to become a national leader in the candidate's scholarly focus area.
    • Evidence of the candidate's commitment to teaching excellence.
    • General merit of the candidate's proposed research scholarly plan and its potential for contributions to nursing science and the candidate's academic career. Priority consideration will be given to candidates whose research and scholarly work includes a significant interdisciplinary component.

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  7. How does the selection process work?
    In the first stage of the selection process, candidates will submit an application that summarizes their academic career objectives and personal goals for the program, describes their proposed research and scholarly development plan, and explains how the plan will enhance their careers in academic nursing. Letters of endorsement must be included in the application submission.
    Based on review of these materials, the National Advisory Committee (NAC) will select semi-finalists for interviews that will enable the committee to assess the candidate's leadership potential and academic commitment more fully and allow candidates to define their academic career interests and describe the resources available at their institution. Members of the National Advisory Comittee will conduct the interviews and make final recommendations to RWJF after all of the interviews have been completed. Please see the program's Call for Proposals for complete eligibility and selection criteria.
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  8. How can I check the status of my proposal once it is submitted?
    We expect to receive many proposals, all of which must go through the same review process. If you have a question about a specific proposal, please send an e-mail to Please be sure to include your name, the name of your school of nursing, and your contact information in your communication.
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  9. Do I need to submit a budget?
    You will not be asked to provide a budget with your proposal. If you are selected as a finalist, you will be asked to submit a detailed budget and budget narrative.
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  10. How will I know if my proposal has been successfully submitted?
    You will receive an e-mail from the Online Application and Review System confirming that you have submitted your proposal successfully. 
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  11. What is the page limit for the proposal narrative?
    Read the proposal narrative template carefully.  The narrative section of the brief proposal, including section headings, must be limited to 9 pages for the proposal narrative typed with 1.5 line spacing using 12-point Times New Roman font, excluding references to support your proposal.  Any additional materials will not be reviewed.
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  12. May I include scientific and/or published references to support statements in my proposal narrative? If I list the references at the end of the narrative, does the 9-page limit still apply, or can the reference list be outside the 9-page limit?
    You may list references to support your proposal. The references can be listed in any academic format starting on a new page at the end of the proposal narrative. The references list will not count towards the 9-page limit for the proposal narrative.
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  13. What is the time period (start/end dates and duration) for these grants?
    Awards will start September 1, 2012 and will continue for three years.
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  14. How many scholars will be chosen?
    Up to twelve scholars will be chosen per year to receive three years of funding.
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  15. Will I receive specific comments on my application after a decision is made?
    It is RWJF policy that no feedback, no individual critiques or comments are given on any RWJF application not selected for funding.
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  16. One of the selection criteria listed on the website is "Evidence of the candidate's commitment to racial, ethnic, gender and cultural diversity in nursing." How can I demonstrate this commitment in my application?
    The directions for the Dean's letter are that she/he speak to this commitment. You may have demonstrated this commitment by such activities as being on a committee to work on issues of culture and diversity in the curriculum or in recruitment of students and/or faculty, or by working yourself to recruit students or faculty from diverse backgrounds, or by making sure that your courses have content related to culture and/or diversity, or by being an advisor to student committees that address these issues. Your scholarly record may also demonstrate this commitment in terms of your research interests or publications or committee membership. These are just examples of activities that your dean could speak to and that may be part of your biosketch. You may also want to address this commitment in your own goal statement.
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  17. Should I include letters of support for my research proposal?
    You do not need to include letters of support for your research proposal. If needed, these letters will be requested at a later time.
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  18. Who should write my letter of recommendation?
    The letter of recommendation should be written by a faculty member in your school of nursing.
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  19. I would like to include tables in my proposal narrative. What format and font should I use for tables and graphs? Can I attach these as an appendix?
    It is permissible to include tables and graphs in your proposal narrative. Please use 10-point Times New Roman font for these items. Please address all elements of your proposal in the 9 page proposal narrative. No appendices are permitted.
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  20. Under the Key Contacts Section of Application Online and Review System, I see that the name of a project director is requested. Who is that person?
    The project director is the applicant appying to be a RWJF Nurse Faculty Scholar. return to top
  21. I would like to include copies of the data collection instruments in my research proposal. Can I include these in an appendix?
    You should describe data collection instruments in the methodology section of your proposal narrative. No appendices are permitted.
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  22. May I submit two additional letters of recommendation?
    Only one letter of recommendation is required and permitted.
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  23. Should letters of recommendation be on my institution's letterhead?
    While not required, it is permitted to put letters from your mentors, dean, provost, and the letter of recommendation on letterhead stationery. Please take care to follow guidelines in the template regarding page limit, font, and margins.
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  24. In what part of the application should I describe personal development activities that I intend to pursue as a Nurse Faculty Scholar?
    Please incorporate the leadership development activities you propose to undertake in the NFS program in the executive summary section where you discuss your professional goals and career vision.
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  25. On the Online Application website, it states that "Finalists may be asked to submit a hardcopy version of their letters of support." Are these letters the original signed copy from my mentors?
    Yes, please retain these original letters for your files should you be required to submit the hard copy original.
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  26. May a Professor Emeritus serve as a nursing or research mentor? May an adjunct professor serve as a nursing or research mentor?
    Yes, it is appropriate to name a Professor Emeritus as your nursing or research mentor.  Please take into account their availability to provide mentoring over the course of the program.   Adjunct professors may not serve as mentors.
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  27. My mentor's official NIH biosketch does not follow the NFS biographical sketch format guidelines for margin and font size. May I still use this document in lieu of submitting a biographical sketch using guidelines on the proposal narrative?
    The format of the NIH biosketch and the NFS biographical sketch template are the same.  Minor variations in font and margins are acceptable when submitting a NIH biographical sketch in lieu of creating an entirely new biographical sketch as long as the biographical sketch does not exceed 4 pages and follows the format of the NFS format.  Please contact the National Program Office if you have questions about this.
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  28. When will these grants be awarded? When will we be notified if we have been awarded a grant?
    Mid-April, 2012 - Notification of semi-finalist status 
    June 4-6 2012 - Semi-finalist interviews with National Advisory Committee 
    Mid-June, 2012 - Notification of finalist status 
    September 1, 2012 - Appointments begin
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  29. What is the application deadline and late submission policy?
    The deadline is 3 p.m. ET on February 7, 2012. To be accepted for review, your proposals must be completed and submitted by the deadline. To be fair to all applicants, RWJF will not accept any incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline.
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  30. I understand that a budget is not required for submission of my application. However, I want to understand more about how I should plan to allocate my grant over the three years of the project.
    Scholars will receive up to $350,000 over the three years of the program.  Scholars will allocate 60% of their annualized salary each year to the project.  In addition to salary, the Scholar should anticipate budgeting for two Nurse Faculty Scholars meetings annually, travel to other conferences pertaining to their area of interest, the cost of leadership development activities, costs associated with their research proposal. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation permits up to 12% indirect costs but requests that institutions waive indirect costs.  In designing their research proposal, scholars should anticipate budgeting for approximately $20,000 to $30,000 annually for costs associated with conducting their research proposal.
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  31. My institution is not a research intensive university and I have limited resources available for feedback on my research proposal. Where can I look for assistance?
    We encourage applicants from all types of colleges and universities to apply for the program. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has a large number of alumni from its scholars and fellows programs. The NFS National Program Office will help to facilitate contact with these alumni or others in your locality or within your area of interest.  Please contact the NFS National Program Office for more information at 1-877-738-0737 or at
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  32. Should I include in text references in my proposal narrative?
    Yes, include in text references. This will allow you to impress the reviewers with how well referenced your text is. You can have as many as you want! Although any academic format is acceptable, we encourage you to use numbered references which take up the least amount of space in your proposal narrative. List references at the end of your proposal narrative. They do not count towards the nine page limit. Please refer to the directions on the proposal narrative template..
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  33. Is it customary for applicants to include information about consultants, advisory teams in addition to the primary and research mentors?
    It is not usually needed if your proposal is clear and will be clear to reviewers. For instance, you may need to clarify if you need to gain expertise in certain analysis you haven’t done before or the recruitment of a sample from a type of setting where you have never been or recruited from before. Be clear about where you plan to obtain that expertise or guidance referencing this in the research proposal, your goal statement, or addressed in your research mentor letter..
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  34. I understand that "selected" publications means selecting from several. If we have a small cadre of publications that includes books and non-refereed publications, can we list them here, or do you want only refereed publications on the bio-sketch?
    Yes, you can list other publication scholarly books or book chapters in a sub section. You should NOT include editorials or book reviews. Reviewers always look to be sure that your dissertation is published and also look to be sure that other research funding you have received resulted in a publication. We recommend that you make it clear from the title of the publication that this is a major publication from your dissertation or other research.
    If you are listing your entire list of publications remove the word “Selected” and just put Publications as the header. If you indeed have enough refereed publications to select from then put the total number of refereed publications so it is clear exactly how many you have. Indicate if the pub data based with a * and at bottom (footnote style * data based). If it is not clear from the title of the publication that this is the major publication from your dissertation indicate that in parenthesis or somewhere in your goal statement. Reviewers always look to be sure that your dissertation is published and also look to be sure that other research funding you have received resulted in a publication so again if there is something submitted but not yet accepted indicate that in the goal statement..
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