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Cindy Anderson is Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Educational Innovation at the Ohio State University College of Nursing. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Salem State College (MA), a Master of Science degree in Parent-Child Nursing and a PhD in physiology from the University of North Dakota. Dr. Anderson is board certified as a women’s health nurse practitioner. The focus of her research is on the study of future cardiovascular consequences in mothers who experience hypertension during pregnancy and in their children. Dr. Anderson investigates how genetic factors in pregnancy contribute to maternal development of preeclampsia and how the maternal intrauterine environment can influence the developing fetus, leading to future cardiovascular disease. Cindy Anderson has been recognized for her research, teaching and service excellence as a faculty member at the University of North Dakota. She serves on the American Academy of Nursing Maternal Infant and Genetics Expert Panels and is a board member for the Midwest Nursing Research Society. Her most recent publications are in Biological Research for Nursing, Nursing Outlook, PloS1 and the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health.